Top Signs You Need Replacement Windows

Sometimes, it is easy to know when you need replacement windows. For example, when a baseball comes flying through the window pane. But it isn’t always that easy and many homeowners in Beaverton, OR keep their old windows for far too long. Why? Because they don’t know what to look for! So here are a few signs that will tell you it is time for replacement windows:

Air Leaks

Your windows should let in light and air, but only when you want them to. If you start to notice a draft, or feel cold even with the heater blasting, you might have a window problem. The seals on your window should be tight so that air does not escape.


Another sign of failed seals is when your windows start to fog up between the panes. Condensation means air and moisture is getting in where it shouldn’t. This is unacceptable and compromises the insulating value of your windows.

Poor Energy Efficiency

If you have noticed your power bill steadily climbing, it might not be inflation. Your windows might be costing you more in energy expenses. Manufacturers have a whole new set of tricks that didn’t exist, even as little as 10 years ago. Now you can choose to make your replacement windows more energy efficient with unique coatings and the type of gas used between panes.

Difficult Operation

Do you have to muscle your windows open or wrestle with the crank? Opening your windows should not require a lot of effort. Instead, they should glide smoothly on the track or crank open with just one hand.


How much noise do your old windows block out? If you live by an airport or busy highway then this feature is even more important. Modern windows can do more than just block out unwanted heat and air. They also cut down on noise pollution. No more cars honking or dogs barking.

Too Much Maintenance

Old windows, especially those with wood frames, take a lot of work to maintain. Do you have the time and funds to keep re-finishing your windows every couple of years? If not, replacement windows might be just the thing. Vinyl is especially good of you are looking for a durable, affordable, and maintenance free option.

Signs of Wear or Damage

Over time windows can start to look weather worn and drab. If you notice damage to the frames like warping, rotting, or fading then you might consider replacement windows.

Poor Security

The locks on your windows should latch securely. If not, you are putting yourself and your loved ones at risk. You also need to think about the glass. Modern windows feature special coatings that strengthen the panes and prevent them from shattering into large, dangerous shards on impact. These features keep you and your family safe and unwanted intruders out.


Last, but not least, you want to think about style. Do your windows match your taste? Or have you been tolerating the style all these years? Replacement windows will have a huge impact on the design of your home. They boost curb appeal and can also increase the value. There’s no time like the present to upgrade and match your windows to your personal taste.

If you notice any of these signs, do not wait too long to get replacement windows in Beaverton, OR. You can call EnergyGuard Windows & Doors for a free design consultation and estimate. Contact us at 503-554-5500 or visit our showroom today, 516 E. 2nd St., Newberg, OR 97132.